A travel agent/agency typically sends business to your Property, and is paid a commission based on the amount of room revenue paid by their client to you. The Skyware Travel Agents Menu gives you options that allow you to attach travel agents to specific guest stays or accounts, track any travel agents that you work with and the amount of business they bring in, the amount of commissions that they are due, and whether they have been paid those commissions or not. The Travel Agent Account screen allows you to add a travel agency or agent account, and view any travel agent account records already generated in Skyware for your Property. This account screen is similar in appearance to the guest information screen, but contains an extra travel agent specific section on the Other tab, where information such as the IATA number should be added. Once a Travel Agent has been created, the agent can be attached to stays, and any guest stays associated with the travel agent and the commission generated may be viewed on the Other tab. As the travel agent may also stay at the Property, the account can function as a regular guest account, allowing you to create a new reservation, attach special requests or preferences or add negotiated rates.
The Travel Agent Account screen has several tabs on which information may be entered. These tabs include General, Other, Contacts, Stays, and Comments. ONLY the General tab contains REQUIRED fields for generating a new travel agent entry, however it IS recommended that you also complete the Travel Agent section of the Other tab, as this is where the travel agent's IATA number is entered, and the commission amounts assigned. To add a Travel agency and travel agents into the system, open the Travel Agents Accounts screen and click the New icon. The screen refreshes with a blank set of tabs. Use the tabs on the screen to enter the appropriate information.
The Files Menu may be reached from the Other section of the Full Menu.
Click Files => from the Other section of the Full Menu.
Click the icon on the left or the breadcrumb words on the top right for the Full menu.
This will display the Full menu in a tabular form, with four sections, Registration, Status, Cashier and Other.
From the Other Section, select Files =>.
The Files Menu screen has two sections, Files List 1 and Files List 2.
Select the Travel Agents => command in the Files List 1 section.
The Travel Agents Menu has two sections, General and Reports.
Select the Travel Agents Accounts command from the General section.
When selected, the Travel Agents Account screen will open.
When opened, the screen shows a list of already configured Travel Agent accounts for your Property on the left, and the details about a selected Travel Agent account appearing in the main area of the screen. Selecting any Travel Agent on the left will display the details on the right, including the entered IATA number for the travel agent at the top. Any changes made on the right, once saved, will be updated in the listings to the left.
The currently configured entries contain a large amount of information. There are several categories listed on the left that the travel agents may be organized by; these entries may or may not be blank depending on the entered information. Some fields may not be relevant to a travel agent account. Only the categories containing required information must have an entry in the field, and required information is set by your Property. Skyware Systems requires ONLY that the default hotel the travel agent is associated with, Company name, guest type and segment fields to be completed by you. Skyware will automatically generate a guest ID for the travel agent when the information is first entered and saved in the system.
Company: The company this travel agent is associated with.
Phone: Telephone number provided for the travel agent.
Note: This is the number entered in the HOME phone field on the General tab, for the travel agent's personal number, as opposed to the WORK number, for the company as a whole. It is also the home phone number entry that will be listed on the Travel Agent Detail Report. (Any work phone number entry will be displayed on the Travel Agent List Report).
City: City the travel agent is located.
State: State the travel agent is located in
Guest Type: A marketing code that is used to help broadly define the travel agent.
Segment: A marketing code that is used to help define the travel agent, alongside Guest Type.
Origin: A marketing code that may be used to help define the travel agent, alongside Guest Type and Segment.
Key Words: Any keywords associated with this travel agent.
IATA #: International Air Travel Association's assigned Travel Agent Number associated with the travel agent.
Note: For a travel agent, this field should be completed and is found on the Other tab.
A/R #: Accounts Receivable Account Number for this travel agent.
E-Mail: E-mail address provided as contact for the travel agent.
Club: Is the travel agent a member of your Property's club (and may therefore be eligible for discounts?)
Note: This option is yes or no and will therefore always have an entry in the field.
Inactive: Is this travel agent account inactive?
Note: This option is yes or no and will therefore always have an entry in the field.
ID: The travel agent's Skyware Systems' assigned ID.
Currently configured travel agents may be sorted and searched by any of these fields; by default, Company name is used to sort the entries.
By Default, the General tab will be open on the right for a selected travel agent when you arrive at the Travel Agent Accounts screen. The Travel Agent Accounts screen has several tabs on which information may be entered. Use the tabs to enter and access different information about the travel agent record. These tabs include, General , Other, Contacts, Stays, and Comments. ONLY the General tab contains REQUIRED fields for generating a new travel agent entry, however it IS recommended that you also complete the Travel Agent section of the Other tab, as this is where the travel agent's IATA number is entered, and the commission amounts assigned.
A toolbar also on the right across the top of the screen contains command buttons that provide access to the available functionality. Hovering the mouse over each button will show a tool-tip containing the name of that button.
Selecting any entry on the left will display the details on the right.
Your options include the following:
Generate a new entry:
Click the New button from the toolbar to add a new travel agent.
Complete the fields described below.
Select an existing travel agent from the list on the left, and click the Replicate button from the toolbar. Then change the field information as described below.
Edit the current selection:
Change the field information described below.
This tab contains the REQUIRED information for creating a new travel agent record in your Skyware Systems. It will appear very similar to a guest information record, BUT the Travel Agent? checkbox will be automatically checked. An account is NOT considered to be a travel agent account in Skyware unless this box is checked.
Default Hotel: If you have more than one Property with Skyware Systems, you must select which Property to associate this travel agent with primarily. Choose one from the available options.
This guest is specific to this hotel?: This check box may be checked or unchecked. If it is checked, the travel agent will ONLY be associated with the Default Property chosen, no matter how many Properties you have with Skyware Systems.
Guest ID: The travel agent's Skyware Systems' assigned ID. When the travel agent record is first generated this will be automatically assigned by Skyware Systems.
Company: This is the name of the company that the travel agent is associated with.
Travel Agent?: This box may be checked or unchecked. By default when using the Travel Agent Account screen, this box WILL BE CHECKED. This allows this Skyware account to be attached to stays and bookings and receive commissions based on the number of stays they are attached to during a specific date range. IF THIS BOX IS NOT CHECKED, THE ACCOUNT/ID WILL NOT BE RECOGNIZED IN SKYWARE AS A TRAVEL AGENT. If you un-check it, the account generated will be seen as a guest account, rather than a travel agent account.
Address: Enter the address of the travel agent/agency if known.
Private Address?: This check box may be checked or unchecked. If the address provided with the travel agent is for a private individual, you should check this box. If it is the public address of a company, leave it unchecked. When this box is checked , it indicates that the travel agent wishes to keep their address and phone information private. It can be used when doing reports and mail merges, to exclude anyone set up as "private" so you do not send them literature or phone solicitation.
Postal code: You may enter the postal/zip code associated with the address here. If it is not known, you can use the search button next to the field to look it up; this will open a pop up window listing all known codes where you can search by Postal Code, City, State, Country, State Name or County, and select one.
Country: This is a drop-down menu of all available countries for you to select from for the address.
City: Enter the city associated with the address here.
State: This is a drop-down menu of all available states in the country selected, for you to select from for the address.
County: Enter the county associated with the address here.
Home Phone: This field is for entering the home phone number, if one is supplied, of the travel agent.
Note: The number entered in the HOME phone field on the General tab should be used for the travel agent's personal number (where they can be reached by you) as opposed to the WORK number, for the Company as a whole. It is also this home phone number entry that will be listed on the Travel Agent Detail Report.
Ext: This space allows you to include an extension for the home phone number supplied.
Work Phone: This field is for entering the work phone number, if one is supplied, of the travel agent. For a travel agent account, this number should be for the Company. Any work phone number entry will be displayed on the Travel Agent List Report.
Ext: This space allows you to include an extension for the work phone number supplied.
Fax: This field is for entering the Fax number, if one is supplied.
Ext: This space allows you to include an extension for the Fax number supplied.
Mobile Phone: This field is for entering the Mobile phone number, if one is supplied.
Pager Number: This field is for entering the Pager number, if one is supplied.
Preferred Communication: This is a drop-down menu of options you can select from. You may choose E-mail, SMS text or Op out of All. No selection here will automatically default to E-mail as the preferred communication choice.
E-mail: Enter the E-mail address to be used for contact with this travel agent here.
Email Opt Out (No Emails)?: This check box may be checked or unchecked. If checked, the travel agent has opted out of having any e-mail contact.
Keywords: Enter any keywords to be associated with the travel agent here. This field is typically used for searches. You can enter several words (up to 40 characters) separated by spaces, commas, colons, or semi-colons and search by any of the words entered.
Private: This box may be checked or unchecked. Checking this box will make any E-mail communication private.
Guest Type: This is a marketing code that is used to help broadly define the account, to determine (for marketing and reporting purposes) what "type" or "Market code" it should be categorized under. Choose one from the options available in the drop-down menu. These have been configured specific to your Property. Examples of Guest Types include Transient, Corporate, Government, Social, etc.
This field is required.
Segment: This is a marketing code that is used alongside Guest Type, to help define the account. Choose one from the options available in the drop-down menu. These have been configured specific to your Property.
This field is required.
Origin: This is also a marketing code that may be used to help further define the account, alongside Guest Type and Segment. Choose one from the options available in the drop-down menu. These have been configured specific to your Property.
Rate Plan: You can select a Rate Plan to be associated with this travel agent record from the drop-down menu of your configured available options, or you can leave this field blank to cause the Rate Plan to require selecting any time you create a reservation for this travel agent.
VIP: If the account is considered a VIP associated with your Property, you should select the relevant code from the drop-down menu of those available. This allows you to categorize your accounts as Very Important People (VIP) for reporting purposes
A/R Account #: Accounts Receivable Account Number. If this travel agent is using an A/R Account - meaning that the travel agent or company can be invoiced (billed) for charges - then provide the A/R Account number in the account number field. This number can be alpha or numeric.
If the A/R Account already exists in the system, use the search box to search for and attach the appropriate A/R number. Clicking on the search box will open a pop up window listing A/R Accounts for you to select from.
Is this an A/R Account (can this contact generate invoices)?: This check box may be checked or unchecked. If this travel agent will be using an account that has been set up for direct billing at your Property, this box must be checked.
Used to track POS Discounts: This is used to track POS Discounts given to the travel agent. This check box may be checked or unchecked. If checked, POS discounts will be removed from the POS check pre-tax and the taxes will be adjusted automatically for you.
Club Card Member: This box may be checked or unchecked. by default it is unchecked. If your Property uses a club card system, and this travel agent is associated with it, you should check this box.
Club Card UPC: If you have checked the Club Card Member box, you should enter the unique UPC associated with that membership here.
Discount %: This is the % discount given to the travel agent for being a Club Card Member. Enter the number here, as a whole percentage.
Is this Contact a Group Master?: This box may be checked or unchecked. By default it is unchecked
Is this Contact a Condo Owner?: This box may be checked or unchecked. By default it is unchecked. This box should be checked if the travel agent details entered are for a Condo owner.
Note: This General tab contains a large amount of information for the travel agent record, but remember most of it can be added to or edited at any time. Only the red fields are required to initially generate the travel agent record.
To create a travel agent record you must use the save button after entering at minimum the required fields information. Only after saving will a new travel agent record be generated.
As in any Guest Account, this tab contains any Payment details associated with the record, as well as several other areas of information that may or may not be relevant to your Travel Agent Account record. (NO information on this tab is essential for creating the record, but may prove useful to have if you can complete it. This information will carry over to each stay but can be changed at the stay level. The default payment method here will remain the same). The Other tab for a Travel Agent account ALSO contains the Travel Agent section, where you should enter the travel agent specific information (such as IATA number and commissions information). This section also contains a table labeled Checks, listing any commissions earned by the this travel agent, with the guest details, amount sent and the check number used, for your records.
Top Section: This information may or may not be relevant to your Travel Agent Account.
Payment: This is a drop-down menu of available payment type options. Select the one that is to be the default type.
Credit Card #: The credit card number typically used for guarantee or payment. Enter the full number (with no spaces slashes or dashes)
CC Expire Month: Enter the 2-digit month.
Year: Enter the 2-digit year.
Attached Company: Enter the Company name associated with this travel agent record.
Web Address: Enter the Company email address and web site address. (Select the private check box on the general tab to indicate that the email address should remain private, if desired).
Dates: The date fields include the travel agent's date of birth, anniversary date, trace date (date you want to be reminded that the travel agent exists in the system through your personal trace calendar for sales and marketing), and the established date (date the travel agent was added into the system.
Date of Birth: The Date of Birth associated with the travel agent.
Anniversary: A special Date associated with this travel agent.
Trace Date: Date you want to be reminded that the travel agent exists in the system through your personal trace calendar for sales and marketing.
Trace to: The name of the travel agent contact at your Property.
Club Member #: If your Property uses this, AND the travel agent is a member, enter the number here.
Sign Up Date: When the travel agent signed up to your Club membership.
Starting Points: Points earned in the Club when membership established.
Document Type: Do you have a document you wish to have associated with this travel agent? If so, enter the type here. (For example, this may be a Passport or a Driver's license).
Document Number: Do you have a document you wish to have associated with this travel agent? If so, enter the identifying number here.
Occupation: You may enter the travel agent's occupation here.
Final Destination: This is a text field that can be drawn upon to add information to a custom document for your Property. For example, a travel destination, such as SeaTac, could be entered into the Final Destination field.
Web User ID: Used if a reservation has been made online.
Web Password: If the reservation has been made online, this may be entered here
Contact Group: This box may be checked or unchecked.
Inactive?: This box may be checked or unchecked. This box can be checked if you no longer wish a travel agent record to appear in a search for all guests in the system.
Established: The date the travel agent record was originally established according to your Skyware Systems internal date.
Note: When generating a new entry, this field will be blank until the record has been saved to the system for the first time.
Travel Agent Section: This is the section on the Other tab containing the information relevant to this account being a Travel Agent account, particularly the IATA number and the travel agent Commissions information.
Non-Commissionable: This box may be checked or unchecked. If unchecked, this means that the agent or company does not typically get a commission.
Note: This option may be modified at the booking or stay level.
1099 Travel Agent: This box may be checked or unchecked. Check if this travel agent should get a 1099 tax form.
Comm %: The PERCENTAGE of commission that the travel agent is due to receive.
Note: The commission should be entered as a percentage of the revenue generated from a stay, as a fixed amount per day, OR as a fixed amount per stay. Enter a value into ONE of the three possible fields.
Category: The type of category this travel agent is considered to be in , for example: Tour Operator, or Corporate travel. Select one from the drop-down menu of those available. (The available options are generated using the Agent Categories screen).
Market Code: The market code for the guests that this travel agent typically deals with, for example, Corporate, leisure, or associations. Enter the appropriate code manually into the field.
Comm. Amt/Day:If the travel agent is to receive a FIXED AMOUNT of commissions per DAY enter the amount here.
Note: Again, the commission may be entered as a percentage of the revenue generated from a stay, as a fixed amount per day, OR as a fixed amount per stay. Enter a value into ONE of the three possible fields.
or per stay.
Tax ID#: The registration number or federal identification tax number for the travel agent should be entered here.
Group Code: If the agency has a group code, enter it here (this is used as a way to sort wholesalers and agents).
Comm. Amt/Stay:If the travel agent is to receive a FIXED AMOUNT of commissions per STAY enter the amount here.
Note: Again, the commission may be entered as a percentage of the revenue generated from a stay, as a fixed amount per day, OR as a fixed amount per stay. Enter a value into ONE of the three possible fields.
Status: This field can be used to determine the payment method or booking status for the travel agent – for example if the agency does not or can not have business booked (“No Book”), has business and they pay by cash or money order (“Cash/M.O. only”) or they pay by credit card (“Credit card only”). Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
IATA#: The travel agent's IATA number should be entered here (for commission tracking purposes). Once the IATA number has been added and the account saved, it will appear at the top of the Travel Agent account whenever the account is being displayed.
GDS IATA # (mapping): If there is a GDS IATA number (mapping for the interfaced GDS) enter it here.
Checks section: This section displays details of the commissions earned by the travel agent.
Click on any entry in the Check section to view more details on the commission earned.
Hotel: The Property the commission earning stay occurred in.
Last Name: Last name of the guest.
First Name: First name of the guest.
Amount: Amount of commission generated from the stay.
Check Number: If a commission has been paid, the check number issued for the payment will be listed here. If a commission is as yet unpaid, the check number listed will be 0. View both paid and unpaid commissions on the Travel Agent Commissions screen, and generate a report showing any unpaid commissions via the Outstanding Travel Agent Commissions command in the Travel Agents Menu.
This tab allows you to attach guests in your system that are "associated" with the travel agent record you are currently viewing. The Contact area is typically used when the record is for a company; the contact area would show all of the individuals that work for that company. Add the individual contacts or travel agents that work for the agency.
Contacts Section: This section may list ALL contacts currently associated with this account.
Primary contact (from list below): This drop-down menu contains all of the contacts in the Contacts section, and allows you to specify one from the list as the Primary contact for the account.
Add a Contact: Clicking this button will open the Select/Create Guest to add as a Contact screen.
You may either search for a Guest using the Previous Guest section (top), or create a new Guest record using the New Guest information section (bottom).
Once done, clicking the orange button Finish >> will return you to the travel agent account screen, still open on the Contacts tab, now with an/another entry in the Contacts section.
Clicking on a Contact name in this section will open the individual Contacts Account screen, open to the General tab. Open the Contacts tab to see that the guest has been entered in the "Contact for" section of this record.
Any Contact in this section may be deleted by clicking on the specific delete button to the left of the contact entry. A pop up window asking if you really want to delete this Contact link will appear; if you are sure click OK and the contact will be deleted.
Contact for: This section displays any contacts (for a company) that this account has been added as a contact for.
Note: This section is completed automatically. The information shown here in the account screen is a record only.
Clicking on a Contact name in this section will open the individual Contacts Account screen, open to the General tab. Open the Contacts tab to see that the guest has been entered as a contact in the "Contacts" section.
Stay(s) that this contact/additional name is attached to Section: This section displays all of the stay records the account has been associated with (past present and future), where this account is NOT the main guest, i.e. staying in the room but for whom you are not creating separate folios and dividing the room rate with. (For example, a husband and wife may be staying together. The stay was booked under the husband's name, with the wife added as an additional name to the stay. Typically you would want the additional names/contacts associated with the stay for phone calls and messages ). From this screen, click any of these dates to go into that stay record.
Note: This section is completed automatically for the account record when the travel agent is added to the additional names section of the Additional Names and Services tab of the Main Folio for a stay. The information shown here in the account screen is a record only.
Guest Profiles that are attached to this Company: This section show all of the individuals that work for that company that you have separate Guest profiles in Skyware Systems for.
Activities for this Guest: This section shows entries for any activities the guest have planned with your Property (for example horseback riding, a massage, or scheduling for transportation needs).
Note: This section is completed automatically for the account record. The information shown here in the account screen is a record only. Activities cannot be added using this screen.
This tab shows any Stays (Reservations attached to an individual), and any Bookings (Reservations the guest has as part of a Group Block). Bookings are not assigned to individual guests but rather represent a Group Block that has been created, with an entry here showing that the guest has "picked up" against said block. A travel agent MAY stay as a guest at your Property. This lists any stays or bookings that have been created for the travel agent. This does NOT list all the stays that the agent is attached to.
Show Only: You can choose to show only the information on Active, Canceled or Historical reservations in the sections, depending on their Status.
Any entry within a section may be clicked on to go to the Stay Information for that particular reservation.
New Reservation: This button when clicked will open the Reservation screen, allowing you to generate a new (individual) reservation.
New Booking: This button when clicked will open the Group Block Wizard screen to allow you to generate a new group block associated with this guest.
This tab allows you to enter comments and make any notes you wish about the travel agent.
Comments: Any information entered into this field will appear as a pop up on the screen when you access the travel agent account record.
Notes: Enter any information here that you wish to be associated with this travel agent that will not appear every time you access the travel agent account record. Any Notes can be used in your Custom documents.
When you are finished adding or editing a travel agent account record, click the Save button to save the changes.
Date Updated November 26, 2024